Hooray! You're back to start the 2025 BOM. I have been struggling with releasing one pattern each month and making you wait... I always have several emails wanting to sew on thru all the months while they have time to sew. I know many of us get a lot of quilting done during the winter months and get busy outside when the weather is nice. It shows in my stats that I have on my website. Everyone is gun ho in the beginning, and I have thousands of downloads and it slowly dwindles as the year goes on and then upticks when fall arrives. So I have decided to try having all of the months available this year to give it a try. But there's a catch, to get the monthly patterns ahead of time, they aren't FREE... The patterns are only free the month they are made for. For example, January's is FREE in January, but not free the rest of the year. The monthly blocks are available, the finishing directions won't be available until at the end, November/December. Let me know what you think about this since I'm giving it a try this year.
Have you gathered your fabric for this years quilt? If you have, have you cut it up into 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" squares? I went on retreat with my mom and got mine all cut and have been sewing some of the squares together, I am working from my fabric stash for mine. I am making mine very scrappy. What colors have you chosen for yours, remember you need a good contrast. For example, blue and white, red and white. You want contrast between the background and design. Think, light and dark... this quilt can be scrappy, scrappy, scrappy, or very controlled, it's up to you. If you want, you can have the dark color be the background and the light be the design. It's all about contrast. Like I said before, the quilt is based on 2 1/2" squares. If I counted correctly a total of 724 squares total. 504 background squares and 220 'design' squares. So, if you want to gather a ton of scraps and divide them between light and dark and cut your 724 2 1/2" squares, you sure can! I would cut extra in case my math is off. I will be going thru my scraps and doing this too. But if you want to purchase fabric... here's what you 'll need.....
2 yards contrasting color
2 1/2 yards cream background
3/4 yard for the border
1/2 yard binding
Tell your friends! Spread the word! Post the button on your blog!
Let me show you how I made this month's block... gather your 2 1/2" squares and following the block layout and sew your squares together using your favorite method making sure to nest your seams so everything lines up nicely. Did you notice the green in the block, don't worry, it can be the same color as all your other dark blocks. I wanted to show you that you can mix it up color wise if you want to. Again, I am encouraging you to use your stash and have fun with it. Just remember the contrast between light and dark. This finished quilt block will measure 12 1/2" x 20 1/2".
As you can see, I am making mine very scrappy. I am actually using scraps from my 2 1/2" scrap bin that I have been adding to for years. For retreat, I cut a bunch of cream and blue squares to make sure that I would have enough. At this point it doesn't make sense but, trust the process, it will. |
I like to chain sew when I can. If you prefer to sew row by row, iron, feel free to do that. |
January's Block |
Each month's pattern is a free PDF instant download. If you miss a month, the patterns are available for $2.00 on my website and also in my Etsy shop.
If you don't have a printer, you can purchase a PRINTED copy of the monthly patterns.
There's also a Facebook Group, please join and post your progress! It's also fun to see everyone else progress too! Make sure to post your blocks so far!
I hope that you have a wonderful day and find some time to stitch.
Have a wonderful day,
Cindy, Josephine & Bonaparte