Saturday, March 1, 2025

March Block 2025

Happy March, my spring fever is still in full swing here! uggg... I'm thinking of finally pulling out the Easter decorations this month. At least it will feel like spring in the house. We have had some beautiful weather with warmer temperatures, but too early and too cold to work in the gardens. I have ordered some seeds and have been making my list for the greenhouse. May is still so far away... I'll keep stitching away with my pretty fabrics until garden time is here. 

 In case you are just starting the BOM, the fabric requirements are below. Everything is based on a 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" square and this month's pattern can be found on my website for free this month. 

2 yards contrasting color

2 1/2 yards cream background

3/4 yard for the border

1/2-yard binding

Tell your friends! Spread the word! Post the button on your blog!
Let me show you how I made this month's block... gather your 2 1/2" squares and following the block layout and sew your squares together using your favorite method making sure to nest your seams so everything lines up nicely. Did you notice the green in the block, don't worry, it can be the same color as all your other dark blocks. I wanted to show you that you can mix it up color wise if you want to. Again, I am encouraging you to use your stash and have fun with it. Just remember the contrast between light and dark. This finished quilt block will measure 12 1/2" x 20 1/2". 

I like to lay my fabric squares next to my sewing machine so they are easy to grab as I stitch along.

I like to chain sew when I can. If you prefer to sew row by row, iron, feel free to do that.

March's Block

 Each month's pattern is a free PDF instant download. If you miss a month, the patterns are available for $2.00 on my website and also in my Etsy shop.  

If you don't have a printer, you can purchase a PRINTED copy of the monthly patterns.

 There's also a Facebook Group, please join and post your progress! It's also fun to see everyone else progress too! Make sure to post your blocks so far! 

 I hope that you have a wonderful day and find some time to stitch.

Have a wonderful day,

Cindy, Josephine & Bonaparte

Saturday, February 1, 2025

February's Block 2025


Happy February! I hope it's warmer where you are. It's cold here and I'm getting tired of it. I have spring fever and it's too soon, the gardening catalogs arriving in the mail isn't helping me any. At least it's good stitching weather. In case you are just starting the BOM, the fabric requirements are below. Everything is based on a 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" square and this month's pattern can be found on my website for free this month. 

2 yards contrasting color

2 1/2 yards cream background

3/4 yard for the border

1/2 yard binding

Tell your friends! Spread the word! Post the button on your blog!
Let me show you how I made this month's block... gather your 2 1/2" squares and following the block layout and sew your squares together using your favorite method making sure to nest your seams so everything lines up nicely. Did you notice the green in the block, don't worry, it can be the same color as all your other dark blocks. I wanted to show you that you can mix it up color wise if you want to. Again, I am encouraging you to use your stash and have fun with it. Just remember the contrast between light and dark. This finished quilt block will measure 12 1/2" x 20 1/2". 

As you can see, mine is very scrappy! I threw in a pink and purple square for the giggles of it. I am purplephobic and it's hard for me to use the color purple in my quilts. This is a challenge for me.... The quilt doesn't seem to make sense yet trust the process. If you stick with light and dark fabrics your quilt will turn out beautiful. I'm pushing the limits a little bit with some of my lighter blue fabric choices. 

I like to chain sew when I can. If you prefer to sew row by row, iron, feel free to do that.

February's Block

 Each month's pattern is a free PDF instant download. If you miss a month, the patterns are available for $2.00 on my website and also in my Etsy shop.  

If you don't have a printer, you can purchase a PRINTED copy of the monthly patterns.

 There's also a Facebook Group, please join and post your progress! It's also fun to see everyone else progress too! Make sure to post your blocks so far! 

 I hope that you have a wonderful day and find some time to stitch.

Have a wonderful day,

Cindy, Josephine & Bonaparte

Monday, January 13, 2025

January's Block


Hooray! You're back to start the 2025 BOM. I have been struggling with releasing one pattern each month and making you wait... I always have several emails wanting to sew on thru all the months while they have time to sew. I know many of us get a lot of quilting done during the winter months and get busy outside when the weather is nice. It shows in my stats that I have on my website. Everyone is gun ho in the beginning, and I have thousands of downloads and it slowly dwindles as the year goes on and then upticks when fall arrives. So I have decided to try having all of the months available this year to give it a try. But there's a catch, to get the monthly patterns ahead of time, they aren't FREE... The patterns are only free the month they are made for. For example, January's is FREE in January, but not free the rest of the year. The monthly blocks are available, the finishing directions won't be available until at the end, November/December. Let me know what you think about this since I'm giving it a try this year.

Have you gathered your fabric for this years quilt? If you have, have you cut it up into 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" squares? I went on retreat with my mom and got mine all cut and have been sewing some of the squares together, I am working from my fabric stash for mine. I am making mine very scrappy. What colors have you chosen for yours, remember you need a good contrast. For example, blue and white, red and white. You want contrast between the background and design. Think, light and dark... this quilt can be scrappy, scrappy, scrappy, or very controlled, it's up to you. If you want, you can have the dark color be the background and the light be the design. It's all about contrast. Like I said before, the quilt is based on 2 1/2" squares. If I counted correctly a total of 724 squares total. 504 background squares and 220 'design' squares. So, if you want to gather a ton of scraps and divide them between light and dark and cut your 724 2 1/2" squares, you sure can! I would cut extra in case my math is off. I will be going thru my scraps and doing this too. But if you want to purchase fabric... here's what you 'll need.....

2 yards contrasting color

2 1/2 yards cream background

3/4 yard for the border

1/2 yard binding

Tell your friends! Spread the word! Post the button on your blog!
Let me show you how I made this month's block... gather your 2 1/2" squares and following the block layout and sew your squares together using your favorite method making sure to nest your seams so everything lines up nicely. Did you notice the green in the block, don't worry, it can be the same color as all your other dark blocks. I wanted to show you that you can mix it up color wise if you want to. Again, I am encouraging you to use your stash and have fun with it. Just remember the contrast between light and dark. This finished quilt block will measure 12 1/2" x 20 1/2". 

As you can see, I am making mine very scrappy. I am actually using scraps from my 2 1/2" scrap bin that I have been adding to for years. For retreat, I cut a bunch of cream and blue squares to make sure that I would have enough. At this point it doesn't make sense but, trust the process, it will.

I like to chain sew when I can. If you prefer to sew row by row, iron, feel free to do that.

January's Block

 Each month's pattern is a free PDF instant download. If you miss a month, the patterns are available for $2.00 on my website and also in my Etsy shop.  

If you don't have a printer, you can purchase a PRINTED copy of the monthly patterns.

 There's also a Facebook Group, please join and post your progress! It's also fun to see everyone else progress too! Make sure to post your blocks so far! 

 I hope that you have a wonderful day and find some time to stitch.

Have a wonderful day,

Cindy, Josephine & Bonaparte

Monday, January 6, 2025

BOM 2025


Yes! There will be a block of the month this year! Hooray!!! The logo is a huge giveaway.... tee hee he he.

I will encourage you to use your fabric stash once again this year. I will be using my own fabric stash too. The entire quilt is based on 2 1/2" squares. 

Finished size of the quilt will be 54" x 66", a lap/twin sized quilt when it is finished. The quilt will be broken down into 12 sections for you to stitch, leaving the borders for December.

We will officially get started on the 15th of January. This will give you time to get your fabric gathered. When choosing fabrics, this is a two-toned quilt. For example, blue and white, red and white. You want contrast between the background and design. Think, light and dark... this quilt can be scrappy, scrappy, scrappy, or very controlled, it's up to you. If you want, you can have the dark color be the background and the light be the design. It's all about contrast. Like I said before, the quilt is based on 2 1/2" squares. If I counted correctly a total of 724 squares total. 504 background squares and 220 'design' squares. So, if you want to gather a ton of scraps and divide them between light and dark and cut your 724 2 1/2" squares, you sure can! I would cut extra in case my math is off. I will be going thru my scraps and doing this too. But if you want to purchase fabric... here's what you 'll need.....

2 yards contrasting color

2 1/2 yards cream background

1/2 yard binding

Tell your friends! Spread the word! Post the button on your blog!

 Each month's pattern is a free PDF instant download. If you miss a month, the patterns are available for $2.50 on my website and also in my Etsy shop.  

If you don't have a printer, you can purchase a PRINTED copy of the monthly patterns.

 There's also a Facebook Group, please join and post your progress! It's also fun to see everyone else progress too! Make sure to post your blocks so far! 

 I hope that you have a wonderful day and find some time to stitch.

Have a wonderful day,

Cindy, Josephine & Bonaparte

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Virtual Christmas Cookie Exchange

Welcome! This is one of my favorite blog hops and I want to thank Carol for organizing it once again. I will miss doing these hops! But let's stay in touch and visit each other's blogs from time to time. I love hearing from you all.

 It's time to do some fun Christmas Baking. Something that I have been playing around with is sourdough baking. I received a sourdough starter a month or so ago from my sister and I have been a baking fiend since! I have been experimenting with flavors and add ins for sourdough loaves. My favorite so far is a rosemary kalamata olive blend. I know it's not a cookie; I'm breaking the rules again.... I wanted to share it with you because I think a lovely warm loaf of bread in a quilted bowl cozy makes for a wonderful gift! There are many recipes on Pinterest on how to start a sour dough. My sour dough starter came from King Arthur. Did you know that when you get a sour dough starter it is good luck to name it. Mine is named Dough Moon Arisen. My sister's named theirs, Yeasty Beasty and Sir Rise Alot. 

~Sour Dough bread with rosemary and kalamata olives~

~ Regular Sourdough Bread~
This previous weekend was also our annual cookie day with my mom and sisters. The highlight of the morning was using mom's new stove! For many years we struggled with a timer that didn't work easily so we reverted to our phones or mom's google nest. It was so nice to have a working time and a treat to use her new stove! 
I made all of my usual recipes, peanut butter yo-yo's, caramel, and dipped pretzels... but I also tried some new recipes, gingerbread spritz cookies and brownie truffles. Both are very good, and I will make them again. The recipes can be found below. 

My sweet mama on Cookie Day.

Gingerbread Spritz Cookies

1 Cup Butter
1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
 1/4 cup molasses
1 egg
3 cups flour
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ginger
1/4 tsp ground allspice
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1/8 tsp white pepper

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Cream butter and sugar with a hand mixer. Add the molasses and egg and beat well. Mix the dry ingredients together then add the flour mixture to the butter mixture until combined. Add cookie dough to cookie press and press out into desired shapes onto an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 6-8 minutes until the cookie is just set but not brown. Cool before decorating.

Vanilla Icing

Mix together 1 cup powdered sugar, 1 tsp vanilla extract and 1 Tbsp milk until smooth. Drizzle or dip cookies and top with sprinkles if desired.

Brownie Balls

1 pan Brownie mix baked according to directions on the box
3 cups chocolate chips (I used chocolate almond bark)

Crumble up brownies while still warm but cool enough to touch, form into tablespoon sized balls. Dip in melted chocolate and decorate with sprinkles if desired.

I had planned on having some large bowl cozies made but my time got away from me since I have been watching my little grandbabies on and off over the last few weeks. I love spending time with them and can't wait to celebrate Christmas with them and all my family. I'm wishing you all a wonderful holiday season and a very merry Christmas. I hope that you have fun checking out everyone's blogs, the complete list is below...

 December 2

Just Let Me Quilt


Quilt Doodle Designs  (You are here!)

Songbird Designs

Quilted Delights


December 3

Quilting Gail

Ms P Designs USA

Just Sew Quilter

Words & Stitches

Selina Quilts


December 4

A Quiltery

Karrin's Crazy World


Homespun Hannah's Blog

Quilt Schmilt


December 5


Bumbleberry Stitches

Sew Many Yarns

Days Filled With Joy

Merry Christmas and Happy Baking,
Cindy, Bonaparte and Josephine

November/Decembers BOM section 2024

We are coming to the end of our BOM and this month's section will take a little time, a few hours, give or take. Now the quilt has a plain background border and then the flying geese border. So make sure to go over to the website and download the FREE directions for Nov/Dec to complete your quilt. Don't have time to make flying geese? No problem, feel free to complete your quilt with a plain border that compliments your quilt. No one will know...

Today I will show you how I completed the flying geese border. I really think it sets the quilt off nicely and is a fun way to finish it off. I love flying geese! I used 4 colors for my flying geese border. If you want to make it scrappier that's up to you. If you do you will need to make a total of 116 flying geese rectangles. The method that I use to make flying geese in the pattern make 4 flying geese rectangles at a time. It sounds like a daunting task but they really do go together quickly with this method! I like to use the no waste flying geese method. So grab a snack and let's get going on making some flying geese! 

Following the pattern directions I cut out my squares for my no waste flying geese. I'm making two color combos for my border. the pink and blue and then the red and green. For each set of not waste flying geese rectangles/blocks you will need 1 larger square and then 4 smaller squares. Keep this in mind if you are making your border scrappier.

To begin with draw a line from corner to corner diagonally on the smaller fabric squares as shown.

With right sides together, lay two of the smaller squares on the larger square as shown.

Sew a scant 1/4" seam on each side of the line.

Cut apart on the drawn line. Press the seams outward.

Add a small square, right sides together on the sewn unit. Sew a scant 1/4" seam on both sides of the line.

I like to chain sew....

Cut apart on the drawn line. Press the flying geese units open. Square up to measure 2 1/2" x 4 1/2". Make 60 using each color combo for a total of 120 flying geese rectangles. (This will be more then you need, you will have 4 extra.)

Following the pattern sew together the flying geese blocks for the border.

I'm just in love with how festive this looks! I'm all ready to assemble my quilt.

Tell your friends! Spread the word! Post the button on your blog!

 Will there be a 2025 BOM project, yes there will be so stayed tuned for the details to be posted soon. Each month's pattern is a free PDF instant download. If you miss a month, the patterns are available for $2.50 on my website and also in my Etsy shop.  

If you don't have a printer, you can purchase a PRINTED copy of the monthly patterns.

 There's also a Facebook Group, please join and post your progress! It's also fun to see everyone else progress too! Make sure to post your blocks so far! It's hard to believe that the year is soon coming to an end. I hope that you enjoyed making the Snowman Forest quilt. Remember to post pictures of your finished quilt tops. I would love to see them!

 I hope that you have a wonderful day and find some time to stitch.

Have a wonderful day,
Cindy, Josephine & Bonaparte

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Ugly Christmas Sweaters!

It's not too soon to start working on some Ugly Christmas Sweaters! The Christmas season is right around the corner! One of my favorite patterns is my Ugly Christmas Sweater Mug Rugs. These are perfect to use up your left-over holiday scraps that you may have lying around in your sewing room. Fat quarters work well for this pattern too!  I'm thinking I want to make some more to have on hand. They are addicting to make and quick!  They make quick gifts and are adorable paired up with a mug and some chocolate. My Ugly Sweater Mug Rug pattern is available as an instant downloadable PDF or as a packaged pattern. They can be found in my Etsy Store.

 My pattern can also be found in several local quilt shops. If it's not in your local shop, ask for it!
Pin your sweater body right sides together onto your batting. I like to use batting scraps for these types of projects.

Sew a 1/4" seam....

Remember to leave an opening so you can turn it right side out.

Don't forget to clip corners before you turn your sweater shape right sides out.

The super fun part is decorating your sweaters. Trace all your design pieces onto your heat n bond, iron onto the wrong side of the fabric scraps and cut out.

A Christmas Ornament ugly sweater. Isn't it cute and it's not even done yet!

I got one of each design put together. I'm now ready to do my applique stitch.

I used a dark brown thread from Aurifil. I use the same color thread for all of my mug rugs just for ease of getting them all done quickly without changing thread colors. What's great about this step is that you are appliqueing and quilting your mug rugs all at the same time. So easy!

After all my mug rugs are appliqued, it's time to camp out in front of the TV for some hand work. As you can see, I have lots of threads to clip. I've put together a button pack for you thru Just Another Button Company with all the embellishments for the mug rugs. The pack contains enough buttons to do one of each design plus some extras... I added some snowflake buttons too. This slick button kit is also available in my Etsy Store.

Shhhh, this one's my favorite... 

Another super fun thing you can do with these is make a bunch and sting them together to make a garland! I just used some red and white baker's twine and some decorative clothespins. Let's remember our friends and surprise them with an ugly Christmas Sweater mug rug and some chocolate!

Happy quilting!
Cindy, Josephine & Bonaparte